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Tuesday 3 February 2015

At last a UK political party with the BALLS to stand up against Halal - UKIP fully supports a ban

At last a UK political party with  the BALLS to stand up against Halal as UKIP announces today on it's website that it supports the call for a ban on non-stun slaughter.

The following is taken from UKIPs website and you will find a link to the page at the bottom:

UKIP support the BVA and RSPCA in calling for a ban on non-stun slaughter

Published Feb 03, 2015

Research by the British Veterinary Association & FSA research tell us that Halal and kosher abattoirs cut the throats of 2.4 million sheep and goats without stunning in the latest recorded year. This is an increase of 60 per cent increase versus previous years. This trend is unacceptable. UKIP support the BVA and RSPCA in calling for a ban on non-stun slaughter.

A UKIP spokesman said, "Animal and veterinary science has long concluded that cutting the throats of animals whilst they are fully conscious can cause significant distress and pain.

"We see no reason why religious groups should not take into account the concerns of animal welfare when carrying out slaughter.

"We find the government response to this issue is weak, lazy and bordering on spineless. It says it would "prefer" animals to be stunned before slaughter but that it must "respect the rights of Jewish and Muslim communities to eat meat in accordance with their beliefs.”

"It's about time someone stood up for the rights of the silent majority in the ethical treatment of animals instead of bowing down to those who shout the loudest.

"We respect religious groups to carry out slaughter in the UK according to how they define and read their scriptures. What we do not allow however is for the rights and demands of groups within those religions override the UK's compassionate traditions of animal welfare.

"There is a significant number of UK consumers that would prefer not to eat meat killed by religious slaughter. So, UKIP will also write into law that all animal meat produce will have mandatory labelling - providing clearly both the method of production and slaughter - giving people greater transparency and choice.

"UKIP's forthcoming manifesto on animal welfare will be the strongest of any major political party in the UK."

To view the original UKIP post click this text
At last a UK political party with  the BALLS to stand up against Halal - UKIP fully supports a ban
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