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Say NO To Halal. Powered by Blogger.
Saturday 24 January 2015

I have launched a petition demanding that the RSPCA step up and help get religious slaughtered banned

I have launched a petition demanding that the RSPCA: 

Expedite and increase your pressure on the UK government to ban religious slaughter Incl: a public awareness campaign to raise the profile of the true facts of religious slaughter.

While it is accepted that all religions must be respected there is no doubt what so ever that the slaughter of animals with out a level of stunning that renders them incapable of feeling pain or distress is not acceptable for any reason.
Religious Slaughter aka Halal, causes an animal great pain and distress, the evidence is everywhere, indeed the RSPCA state on their website that:
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (now Committee) (FAWC) report on the ‘Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing’ June 2003 concluded:
The level of restraint of conscious animals required for slaughter without pre-stunning was far greater than for conventional slaughter.

A large cut made across the neck of a conscious animal would “result in very significant pain and distress” before the animal loses consciousness (around 5 to 7 seconds for sheep, 22 to 40 seconds for adult cattle).

“Slaughter without pre-stunning is unacceptable and that the Government should repeal the current exemption”. Until then any animal not stunned before slaughter should receive an immediate post-cut stun.
Studies have been done by scientists which conclusively show that the animals brain continue to register and feel pain long after their necks have been cut.
The RSPCA have further stated:
What is the RSPCA doing?
We’re pressing for law changes to improve animal welfare at slaughter. Until this occurs, we propose:
UK Jewish and Muslim communities review their slaughter practices.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) Animal Welfare Survey undertaken in abattoirs across Great Britain during one week in September 2011 showed around 88 per cent of animals slaughtered by the Halal method were stunned before slaughter and 10 per cent of cattle and calves slaughtered by the Shechita method received a post-cut stun
Meat produced from animals not stunned before slaughter should be clearly labelled to allow consumer choice.
This is all well and good but what have the RSPCA really achieved and what are they doing to force this issue?
Why for example have they not pursued this matter through the courts, both in the UK and the European Courts.
The remit of the RSPCA is to protect animals from cruelty, and where possible, prosecute those who commit cruelty. They are failing as 1000's of animals are suffering unimaginable and horrific pain on a daily basis in the name of a religion that uses barbaric methods completely at odds with the long standing animal welfare rules that this country has.
The intention of this petition is to press the RSPCA to step up and start behaving like the leading animal welfare authority it really is. We should demand that, as well as becoming more robust and seeking legal redress against the UK government, they should also start being 'pro-active' and very publicly visible of their disprovable of religious slaughter. 
We can not do anything about how animals are slaughtered in other countries but we CAN and MUST do something about this in the UK.
Please sign this petition if you agree that religious slaughter is wrong, you want the RSPCA to step up and you agree no animal should feel pain at the hands of a human.
Please also share this on your social media and ask that everyone you know to do the same. Its time we spoke out and stopped this cruelty.
A few moments of your time WILL make a difference.
I have launched a petition demanding that the RSPCA step up and help get religious slaughtered banned
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