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Monday 26 January 2015

Former Muslim Government Minister attacks the UK Government proving she is part of the problem

Former Muslim Government Minister attacks the UK Government proving she is part of the problem

This blog is not about politics or Islamophobia but this story in the Guardian got my attention and after reading it several times over I think it does relate directly to the subject of Halal Meat as it illustrates the whole attitude that Muslims seem to toward our society.

The basis of the article is that Lady Warsi has launched a scathing attack on the UK government claiming that its "policy of non-engagement has caused deep unease and resentment towards the government".

She further claims that:

■ "The government in which she served has come “to view ever-increasing numbers of Muslim organisations or individual Muslim activists with suspicion”."
■" Former colleagues in government have failed to show proper concern for the “worries and fear” felt by Britain’s 3 million-strong Muslim community in the current febrile atmosphere."
Later in the article is says "Warsi also condemns the lack of ministerial engagement with a cross-government working group combating anti-Muslim hatred, in which she was involved. Chief whip Michael Gove is singled out for particular criticism for his behavior during the Birmingham schools Trojan horse affair, when Warsi claims he flatly rejected formal requests from the working group to become involved."
I could go on and on listing her statements but I do not want to give this dreadful woman anymore column space than she has already been given by the Times.

If you want to read the full article I have included a link at the bottom of this post.

Now lets make this absolutely clear, the Muslim population of the UK is tiny, it is only 4.8% of the total population, yet she is demanding that they have a say in how our country is run.

She moans that the government see's "numbers of Muslim organisations or individual Muslim activists with suspicion" but what the hell does she expect?

If you research Islam on any number of the official websites on the subject the one and constant thing that sticks out is Islam demands that ALL country's convert to it and if they do not they are seen as enemy's to be vanquished (and we all know what that means).

This is not Islamophobia, its cold hard fact. Do some research yourself, dig down a little deeper on the Islamic faith websites and its plainly there for all to see.

I have yet to meet a single Muslim who does not fanatically believe that Islam is the only true religion and everyone in the UK has no choice but to convert or pay the price.

The government has no remit to include any religious group in its deliberations or decision making, this IS a christian country after all. It is not for the government to cultivate friendships or trust with the Muslims, it is for the Muslims to to that to the government and the wider society.

The Muslim community should be doing all IT can to prove IT can be trusted, that IT wants to live in harmony with the rest of us and it is for IT to change and accept how WE do things and most certainly NOT the other way around.

Also it is to be noticed that Lady Warsi does not condemn in any way the needless deaths of innocents at the hands of the terrorists who are the public face of her religion. In fact the Muslim community as a whole in the UK is altogether to quiet on this subject. 

This is what we are up against and the comments from this woman clearly show that attitude better than I can explain.

Do not forget that only a few years ago there was the whole scandal of Muslim leaders calling for Sharia Law to be made legal in the UK... More proof if it was needed that Muslims want to impose their way of life on all before them.

The proof and evidence is all around us here in the UK that Muslims do not want to integrate and become part of British society because they are unable to accept our society as it is directly incompatible with the teachings of Islam which are rigid and allow no room for compromise. It's the Islamic way or pay the price.

And THIS is why its a massive part of and directly related to the problem regarding Halal meat...

Their religion DEMANDS that the animal is fully conscious at the time of slaughter..

There is no room for movement, no compromise, and the animal feels every agonizing second as its life ebbs away.

So in this sense, Islam in general, IS the problem.

Let me ask you this; when was the last time you saw, heard or read about a Muslim talking about compromise and not wishing to upset non-muslims?

Click here to read the full article in the Times
Former Muslim Government Minister attacks the UK Government proving she is part of the problem
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